In recent years, information security has been a hotly discussed issue, and therefore more and more corporations start to do the ‘Vulnerability Assessment’. However, even so, information security can hardly be complete. The reason is that the process of manually sorting out reports can take IT staff a lot of time and energy, which is not only error-prone but it tends to miss the golden time to fix the vulnerabilities. To deal with the root problem, Key-Reporter is developed to generate the scanning reports within a short time (say 10 mins), and, based on the analysis of scanning result, we will provide an effective and complete patch to fix the vulnerability. (Learn more details in Key-Reporter)
Simply put, Key-reporter is the optimized version of original reports. Original reports tend not to meet local requirements, which takes IT staff lots of time to manually sort out. However, Key-reporter is designed to be connected to global famous scanning tools, i.e. Tenable and Rapid7, and automatically produce Excel and Word reports within a short time (10 minutes). What Key-Wisdom emphasizes as always is to help our clients deal with the complicated process and efficiently satisfy your requirements.
In terms of current market, most reports are unable to connect project and asset information to scanning results, which makes reports difficult to read. However, Key-reporter is not only an efficient tool, it also combines all the needed information, including project information and asset information (based on the department, system and system administrator). Additionally, to protect vulnerability information from leaking, reports can be generated separately based on different departments.
Yes. Our clients can choose any two scanning results themselves and we will then produce a differentiation report, which is automatically generated through Key-Reporter. Differentiation report includes ‘new’, ‘not-yet fixed’, ‘already-fixed’ vulnerability information along with the comparison chart. With this, scanning becomes worthwhile every time since they are all connected to one another.
We are happy to say that Key-Reporter is not only possessing visualized dashboard with statistical charts presenting scanning results, it can also be combined with Power BI. With this, we can provide our clients interactive visual reports and help them easily analyze the overall result in a multi-faceted perspective.